The B-Blog

Marco's Travel Book

This is my first coding experience, and a blog is a cool and easy way to start making something practical with it!
I will put some pictures of my trips and some thoughts that come up in my mind (nevermind the grammar/spelling). Enjoy! start: a little bit of context.

Hello! I am Marco, 26 from Italy. I graduated in engineering in 2018 and, after a short period of working, I decided to take some months off for travelling!

In order to "make my time productive", while donig something that can be considered an holiday, I decide to learn how to code. The reasons are two:

  1. Back in real life, when I will be in front of the HRs for getting a serious job, I can say: "Hey! I was chilling for bunch of months, but forgive me! PLZ LOOK! I can program now!"
  2. I think an awesome opportunity that my generation has is to learn to work online, and hopefully never come back to an office. You can become very flexible in facing a turbolet job market, and, most important: GEOGRAPHICAL ARBITRAGE! That is: earning in USD and spending in Thai Bath: that is: working for an American client, getting paid decent amount of dollars: that is: live LIKE A KING/BOSS in an exotic place such as Thailand, while you are happly working on a beach on the PhiPhi island. It is not that easy, but you have to start from somewhere...
blue boat on a beach
That's the place where we are ment to be

About the code.


The website is entirely coded, using HTML and CSS. Hosted on Github, and with GoDaddy as a Domain provider (I feel so cool talking about "Hosting" and "DNS", I just leaned what they are, more or less). Time by time, I will learn something new and I will make my blog super awesome. If you want to see the evolution of this website week by week, come and make a visit once in a while! The idea is to learn Javascript and SQL after, to build more complex websites and apps.